Sunday, April 13, 2008

Evil Empire Wastes Time, Money For Publicity

The New Yorks Yankees and the Boston Red Sox are not known for getting along, some in fact may say that they have a bit of a rivalry. The Yankees also happen to be building a new stadium (which is going to look just like the old stadium...with more luxury boxes and higher ticket prices!!! Yay profit!). So one may suspect a Red Sox fan of some tomfoolery or mischief...

So a construction worker Red Sox fan planted a David Ortiz in the foundation of the new stadium hoping to curse the Yankees.

Big deal right? Somewhat amusing, doesn't make a difference in anyone's lives and people can get a good laugh out of it at worst, right?


The Yankees drilled for five hours to locate the shirt through 2 feet of concrete! Wow, that's really a good use of time and money. Is a baseball jersey going to weaken the structure or something?

I really hope the article is joking about this part too:

Trost said the Yankees had discussed possible criminal charges against Castignoli with the district attorney's office.

"We will take appropriate action since fortunately we do know the name of the individual," he said.

A spokesman for Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson said Sunday he did not know whether any criminal charges might apply.

Criminal charges? Appropriate action? For what is little more than a prank? Please. Why are people so stupid?

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